Civil Criminal

If a person accepts the mistake in the court and is been convicted then he/she cannot further appeal in the high courts based on the conviction.

Section 375 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 when an accused person has pleaded guilty and has been convicted on such plea, there shall be no appeal permitted. Madras High Court in Jacob Chacko Theketala vs State Of Tamil Nadu on 15 June, 2010 has clearly explained the Section and the validity of the […]


Domestic Violence against women under Sec.498-A applicable even if an Indian couple are in a different country when the offense was committed

Supreme Court in the case, Nikita v. Yadwinder Singh, Criminal Appeal No. 1096 of 2019, held that “even if the offence under Section 498-A was committed against an Indian women by her husband or her in-laws while she was in a different country the Indian courts have jurisdiction to entertain a complaint alleging the commission […]


Police should file “ZERO FIR” for a crime that took place outside their jurisdiction and cannot refuse filing FIR for jurisdiction violation

Justice Verma Committee in the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013.This Amendment was passed by the Lok Sabha on 19 March, 2013 and by the Rajya Sabha on 21 March, 2013 and received the President’s assent on 2 April, 2013 and is deemed to have come into force from the 3rd day of February, 2013. Registering […]


Police Refusing to File an FIR

No police officer can refuse to lodge a FIR, if an offence is reported. A First Information Report (FIR) is the very first step in a criminal matter (cognizable offence) , in which the facts of the crime are reported to the police by the victim or a person who is a witness to the […]

Consumer Law Criminal

Selfie while driving violates Motor vehicles Act 1988

In the Civil Writ Petition No. 17956/2019 Rajasthan High Court witnessed a scenario which involved the offenders taking selfie and posting the same in social media platforms like FaceBook and Instagram. Selfie videos that were made while driving vehicles is violation of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 by putting the life at stake of so many […]


Alcohol exceeding 30mg/100ml of blood while driving

Alcohol exceeding 30mg/100ml of blood while driving is punishable under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Section 185 of The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 states that alcohol exceeding 30mg/100ml of blood of a person is considered to be intoxicated. Driving a vehicle by such is a person is punishable for the first time […]

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