Cyber Crime

Domestic Violence Against Women

PROTECTION OF VICTIMIZED WOMEN THROUGH THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT 2005 Domestic violence is an abuse or harassment induced to the victim by a close relative in the domestic circle. Domestic violence is not only done by husbands, but also by parents, in-laws and other family members. Domestic violence may be physical, psychological , sexual and […]

Cyber Crime

Can a principal of a School/College Seize a mobile phone possessed by an adult student?Does right to internet form a part of freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a)?

In Faheema Shirin.R.K vs State Of Kerala on 19 September, 2019, the Kerala High Court held that the principal of a college is the supreme authority to enforce discipline and teachers are like foster parents who cultivate and guide the students in their pursuit of education for maintaining excellence of education. So they have the […]

Cyber Crime

Lift to a Stranger on Road

Is it actually Illegal to give lift to a stranger in India? Mr.Nitin Nair, a Mumbai resident who gave lift to a couple of gentlemen on his way to office, was imposed a fine of Rs.2000!! “This happened on June 18, 2018, on a heavy rain day. Mr.Nitin Nair was en route to office, when […]

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